What is the Role of QA in Tech Support?

What is the Role of QA in Tech Support. role of quality assuranceThe role of quality assurance has evolved so many times like any other territories of SDLC. With the headway in innovations, the degree and size of the projects continue changing so does the role of quality assurance.

Quality assurance testing serves the need to increase the value of the business by assuring a bug-free product. Yet, the word ‘QA’ isn’t bound to the software product business.

Today, the client benefit activities hurried to keep the client fulfilled and happy. The QA system can contrast what has been guaranteed with the client’s desire to what has been really delivered.

If we discuss client benefit including innovation, we can see that technical support has a vital part in every single application. We regularly confront troubles while utilizing an application every once in a while.

For instance, while utilizing Facebook, you may need to hide your profile and you probably won’t know how doing it. This reaches the customer support through the phone or submits the inquiry on the form.

Presently, the part of customer support begins, as they initially examine the client’s concern and understand the issue at the earliest time. The severity of the bug may change relying on the circumstance. Some of the time, the issue doesn’t get settled quickly. In such cases, the clients are requested to pause while an issue ticket is made of the related issue and allocated to the technical support.

Nowadays, the tech support begins dealing with a number of software QA tools as indicated by the application. In the first place, the technical support official login to the device to check the number of tickets relegated to them on that day. At that point, they pick a high need ticket and start working on it subsequent to looking into the comments from both the customer support and client.

At that point, they attempt to make a QA software testing condition and log a ticket/bug in a particular device, as Jira, Word, Excel, and so forth, if successful! The official at that point runs scripts to find the purpose of failures, and guarantees there are no extra issues. This is again remarked in the ticket that the issue has been recognized.

From that point, the issues/bugs are passed on to the developers for fixing. Developers read the comments and fix the issue and put their remarks. At long last, the technical support official crosschecks the testing condition to guarantee there are no issues at all. Relying on the circumstance, they again log their comment; unresolved or resolved. If it is fixed, at that point the ticket is closed. But, of the issue/bug endures, it is again re-opened with comments.

The QA role is ending up more imperative and appreciating a larger amount of discernment in the association. At a certain point, individuals would state it was a vital evil like an auditor. Presently people are beginning to take a look at it as QA role that really can achieve noteworthy advantages, helping associations make better products and guaranteeing there are fewer bugs upon rollout.

That is the role of quality assurance in Tech Support.

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