Mobile banking usage in today’s world is exploding. Banks are constantly coming out with modern and newfangled mobile services. Compared to other industries, banks are distinctly among the early adopters of mobile applications. Today, most of the banks have already positioned mobile banking applications, and are now looking for ways to enhance its capabilities that will improve users experience.
Some of the banking applications like ‘State Bank Anywhere’, ‘ICICI Mobile Banking iMobile’, ‘HDFC Bank MobileBanking’ and etc., are doing relatively well in a country like India, where the population is moving towards DIGITALIZATION.
So how safe are these apps? Do these apps also face some challenges? And what are the solutions to keep these apps effective and satisfactory?
Baking apps are secured once tested, yes, these apps do go under few challenges which can be in terms of Monitoring i.e. whether the apps are getting real-time incident alerts, for where the service is facing delays or is not available. Also, High performance of the mobile application i.e. whether the web-based or mobile banking apps are performing effectively or not.
Testing solutions that can be considered in terms of providing a successful Mobile Banking app are:
Performance Testing: It will look for the mobile performance on test development and its execution on real devices, by providing real insights of application performance prior to actual production.
Mobile Monitoring – It will involve in rectifying the receiving alerts in real-time, when the mobile banking service response time is slow or when service is down.
TestOrigen provides an effective mobile banking solution that basically handles these key challenges. Based on the QA & Testing, TestOrigen deals with an end-to-end quality solution ensuring banks to install their mobile applications with confidence for the end users.
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