The new cherry on the cake: Android 7.0 Nougat

The new cherry on the cake-Android 7.0 NougatThe world of Android, always enthralls the mind of the users, by keeping them thrilled and amazed about new updates. Likewise, the launch of Android 7.0 Nougat, was by far the sweetest release till date.

It took an innovative approach, to building and launching of the Nougat. The launch of Android 7.0 Nougat reflected the inputs from thousands of fans and developers all across the globe. And guess what? Android Nougat has over 250 amazing features that bring a sense of excitement.

To maintain a good flow of services, Nougat has gone to get tested on a regular interval, for which, TestOrigen, also actively participates in performing high professionalized testing. From Performance to Usability, to Security, testing does make it easier for the Nougat to operate.

So, what makes the Nougat different from other sweets of Android?

There are many distinctive features that, that makes Nougat, sweeter than other sweets, like:

Unique: Android Nougat, accord its users, even more, ways to make them feel closer to their phone. This is because, there are now over 1,500 different emoji, including 72 new ones, allowing the users to go ahead and express feelings and emotions comprehensively. Also, with Android Nougat, users can actually control what goes where and move it according to their needs. Apps can also tailor their content based on locale settings. Like the multiple languages, for instance.

Fruitful: With the introduction of new features like Multi-window, Direct reply, and Quick switch, Android Nougat helps the users to multitask with ease. Multi-window, runs two apps side-by-side, making the windows change their size. With the addition of Direct Reply, Reply can be done directly to the notifications without even opening an app. Also, Quick Switch smartly allows, switch between two most recently used apps.

Enhanced battery life: With Nougat, the device can now get a drop into lower power usage, when it’s getting jostled around in pockets, while on the move.

Secured: New features like Seamless updates, File-based encryption and Direct Boot with powerful layers of security, keep the private data private. Seamless updates, install software updates in the background, as it helps the device to install the update and optimize all the apps for the new version. File-based encryption isolates and protects the files for individual users on the device. Direct Boot, helps the device to start up faster, allowing the apps to run securely even before unlocking the device.

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