Pros & Cons with Working Process of System Testing

Pros and Cons with Working Process of System Testing. System testing methodSystem testing method is a vital part of a good Quality Control program. In the realm of software testing, software testers experience different levels of testing. From unit testing to acceptance tests, the testers need to guarantee that all segments of the product are tested completely, with no obstacle. Executed after integration testing and before acceptance tests, System Testing is one of these levels of software testing.

The extent of system testing isn’t just constrained to the structure of the system yet in addition to the behavior and trusted expectations for the business. Independent testers or users are given the tasks to perform in the system testing stage.

System Testing Working Process

Since the significance of system testing is colossal in STLC, it is significant that we characterize its procedure, to guarantee that its methodology is executed precisely without missing any basic detail or step. The procedure of system testing method can change from project to project or association, in any case, there are six normal steps that are a part of its procedure and which are explained below:

Make a Test Plan: The first step of the procedure includes test plan creation, wherein the lead or test supervisor characterize the scope and target of testing, decides the techniques, settles on manual and automated testing, characterize the exit and entry criteria, assigns responsibilities and roles, in addition to other things.

Test Case Writing: From this step, the execution of testing is started by the team. Test cases are set up based on use cases and the requirements of testing as well as the customer/user, like UI, technical, non-functional, functional and performance, etc.

Select Test Data: Once the test cases are created by the team, they cooperate to choose or make the required test data, which plays a vital role in test execution. These are the input data sources that help the testers get anticipated outcomes.

Test Case Execution: Finally, the test cases made earlier are executed by the team, who always monitor the procedure and record any errors or issues experienced by them during the procedure. Likewise, the outcome of the testing is additionally recorded here.

Bug Reporting and Fixation: In this phase of the procedure that the team reports all the recorded bugs and issues to the concerned individual from the team. When revealed, the software engineer or the developer works with the testing team to fix and resolve the issue.

Repeat the Test Cycle (If required): After all of the issues and bugs are fixed, the testers repeat the test cycle to get the expected outcomes.

Pros of System Testing Method

  • It covers a complete end to end software testing.
  • The business requirements and system software architecture are both tested in system testing.
  • Appropriate system testing help in relieving after production goes live issues and bugs.
  • System testing is led in a situation like a production condition or some of the time it is finished with production parallel test condition where the same data input is feed to the exiting framework and new framework to look at the differences in functionalities removed and added. This causes the client to understand the new framework better and feel great with new functionalities included or existing functionalities revised or removed.

Cons of System Testing Method

  • As it needs to test the entire framework it requires a lot of time
  • Relying upon the business necessities and application architecture cost may also increase.

A System overall has various qualities to be verified. An easy example would be any site. In the case, it’s not tested as a whole; at that point, the client may observe that site to be exceptionally moderate or the site may get crashed once a huge number of clients sign in the meantime.

And, these characteristics can’t be tested until the site is tested overall.

So, if you want your software to be tested as a whole then do contact us.

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