Preview Of Bug Reporting Process

Preview Of Bug Reporting Process. bug reporting processBug reporting process is the heart of the software testing procedures. Their primary objective is to depict an issue in detail and in a way that it can’t be misunderstood. They guarantee that nobody can avoid the significance of fixing the issue.

Thus, if the bug reporting document is badly written, complex and confusing it doesn’t fulfill the need.

The most ideal approach to guarantee the quality of a bug report is to focus on the pillar of the software testing procedure: testers.

What do you anticipate from your tester? How might want them to report bugs? What should be incorporated into a buglog to streamlining the resolution procedure?

Finding a bug is a sure one thing, however writing it is similarly as essential, if not more so.

Bug reporting process exhibits a developing issue and gives your engineers a place to begin fixing it. It might irresistible to compose a 10-page bug database on what you find, however, we’ve discovered that the less difficult and briefer your report is, the better you’ll be over the long run.

As should be obvious, the bug reporting process is important to make high-quality software. Presently, as we have depicted the centrality of bug tracking system, how about we look in more prominent detail at bug reports in software testing.

To learn better what is bug reporting and tracking in software testing it is important to describe all the details of an appropriate bug report. All of them are important to fix the bug and stay away from its occurrence in the future.

Each bug report must contain the accompanying data:

ID of the bug

The number is required to make it easier to discover all the data about the bug later on.

Description of the bug

This line contains all data on the type of bug and its effect on the final product.

Version of the product

To fix the bug it is important to know the software product’s version.

Steps for fixing bugs

This incorporates the brief details of steps important to fix the product.


The date when the bug was found is also critical.

The engineer who made the report

This column incorporates the information of the person who found the bug.


Here you should record the present status of the bug like “fixed” or “new”.

The developer who fixed the bug

The information of a person who fixed the bug is composed here.


This column incorporates data on the importance of the bug.

Great bug tracker advantageous to everybody and enable your team to work like a well-oiled machine. Invest some additional energy upfront to create quality bug reporting system and you’ll save lots of time not far off as you work through them. Everything comes down to communication – logging a bug is communicating an issue.  Communicate well and the bug reporting life cycle will be productive and enjoyable.

TestOrigen defect management makes it simple for bug reports to be consequently made when a test case fails. We coordinate with best of our leading defect tracking tools, allowing us to speed up the bug reporting process by making detailed bug reports for our customers. Try our software testing services today and see how you can enhance your product’s quality.

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