Necessary elements for executing Payment Gateway Testing

Necessary-elements-for-executing-Payment-Gateway-Testing.-300x232. payment gateway testingA payment gateway framework is an e-commerce application benefit that allows credit card payment for online buys. Testing a payment gateway is same as testing other components of Ecommerce; although, security testing assumes a clearly essential part in payment gateway testing. Payment gateways protect the credit card details by scrambling delicate data like Visa numbers, account holder subtle elements and so forth. This data is passed securely between the client and the dealer and the other way around.

Current payment gateways as well safely allow installments through reward points, cash cards, electronic bank exchanges and platinum cards etc.

Sorts of Payment Gateway:

Mainly two types of payment gateway system are used in e-commerce websites.

Hosted Payment Gateway

The Customer is being coordinated to payment gateway page or connection outside the area of the internet business site. After the finish of the installment procedure, the client is diverted back to the e-commerce site. Paypal and Worldpay are the cases of hosted payment gate-way.

Shared Payment Gateway

In shared payment gateway, client is coordinated to payment gateway connect inside the domain of the e-commerce site. The client remains on the site continues with the installment procedure such as: eWay, Stripe.

Payment Gateway Testing Meaning:

It’s an e-commerce software testing procedure which is utilized to assess the working of the payment gateway providers different elements, related with an e-commerce site so as to guarantee powerful and bother free transaction of payment gateway on a web application between the client and the vendor. Generally, it includes the test cases for payment system simulating the end to end transaction process in an actual domain to inspect every one of the functionalities and elements relating to a payment gateway system.

Here is a top necessary elements used for performing Payment gateway testing:


To check the fundamental working of the payment gateway, it is vital to test payment gateway i.e. whether the payment gateway is functioning suitably and expectedly, what it assumes to do. It might as well incorporate different components additionally, like if the payment gateway testing test cases are right and according to the benchmarks of a specific nation such as Value AddedTax-VAT, exchange or handling charge and so forth.


Prepare test case for credit card payment to test the integration of payment gateway with different credit cards such as payment gateways are more compatible in accepting various cards.


Performance testing of payment gateway includes the recognizable proof of the execution measures or measurements. For example, numbers of clients every day getting to the site are calculated to prepare the payment gateway document with error codes that helps in decreasing the traffic jams by simultaneous clients.


Crackers and Hackers are making best utilization of the innovations to break into the Payment framework. Thus payment gateway security testing helps the system to be solid and secure by invalidating the impacts of malicious attacks.

Underneath given are portions of the conceivable payment gateway testing scenarios that may be valuable in performing payment gateway testing.

  • Test whether all sorts of payment alternatives accessible through the payment gateway.
  • Test whether every installment alternative is demonstrating its particular and necessities subsequent to being chosen by the client.
  • Test for What happens, after the failure of the payment procedure or if the session closes.
  • To check, if the payment gateway is permitting to enter information in the clear fields of the card number, card name, expiry date and CVV number.
  • To inspect, how the payment gateway framework carries on or reacts, subsequent to abandoning at least one field, blank such as leaving CVV number field, blank and so on.
  • Test whether the client is being diverted to the application page, after the fruitful finish of the payment procedure.
  • Applying language change, during the payment procedure.
  • Checking fruitful integration of a wide range of cards with the payment gateway framework.
  • Test whether the database can store and recover the Mastercard details and other helpful data.
  • Checking the arrangement of the sum to be paid, alongside the money organize.
  • Checking exchange process for the Zero or negative sum value.
  • Assessing the payment gateway in the wake of permitting and obstructing pop up.
  • Test whether the exchange ID is being produced after the installment is done, effectively.
  • To check, whether exchange process is quickly exchanged to the bank for the further handling.
  • Test whether the mail, used to illuminate the client is scrambled or not.
  • Checking the support pages between the application page and payment gateway framework.
  • Inquiring end process during the payment procedure.
  • Confirming security and failure page during the payment procedure.
  • Test whether the correct message or ready message is being appeared for the effective payment or for the payment issues, individually.

This is only a begin to a decent establishment of payment gateway testing. There are considerable measures of different things that go into preparing the test cases for payment module. Once this first level of payment gateway testing is legitimately arranged and composed, then testers have to dig deeper and recognize basic regions of testing relying upon the needs of clients. Further, testers might need to get the right payment gateway testing tool such as give chance to TestOrigen for helping you in testing various necessary elements of your payment gateway as our testers have motivated bright minds.

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