Manual Testing: The Depiction of Man Power

Manual Testing- The Depiction of Man PowerThere are mainly two approaches by which the software can be tested; manual testing by a human, and automatically by a PC.

Every technique has its favorable circumstances and drawbacks yet they share the basic objective of guaranteeing quality in the software product.

What is manual testing?

Manual software testing is the way toward testing software manually for defects and bugs. Software testers regularly follow test cases and test plan to guarantee the fulfillment of the testing.

Software testers can as well utilize manual testing tools like choice tables, test scripts to be utilized, and a straightforward agenda of the things to be research and tested.

Manual testing concepts:

  • Manual testing process isn’t dependable. Utilizing this technique test execution isn’t exact constantly.
  • Testing forums in manual testing doesn’t include in programming assignment to get hidden data. Manual testing will be helpful when the test case just needs to run a few times.
  • Manual testing is slower than automation. Running tests manually can be exceptionally tedious.
  • To execute the test cases first time utilizing manual testing approach will be particularly valuable. Yet, it isn’t sure that it will get the regression defects under frequently evolving necessities.
  • Utilizing manual testing methodologies on various machines with various OS platform mixture isn’t conceivable, simultaneously. To execute such errand distinctive testers are required.
  • To execute the test cases in types of manual testing, each time software testers requires a similar measure of time.
  • To execute the Build Verification Testing is exceptionally ordinary and tedious in manual testing documentation.
  • Manual testing best practices are especially useful in UI testing
  • Manual testing requires less cost than test automation

Manual Testing Pros and Cons:


  • In any case the test case can be running in few times, at that point manual testing can be utilized. QA manual testing costs not as much as automation testing.
  • The basics of manual testing enables tester to test more through ad-hoc or random testing. At times manual testing is more valuable contrasted with automation testing since it empowers the tester to test all highlights, play more with the program’s functionality and highlights, and more inclined to discover genuine client bugs.


  • Manual testing is tedious as test cases and new features should be re-tested for each discharge.

There are the both advantages and disadvantages to automation and manual testing tools. While many say that good judgment should direct you in settling on the choice of which one to utilize, presence of mind won’t lead you unless you have the majority of the data. Ensure that you consider your chance, your assets, and the extent of your project and in addition the quality of the manual and automation testing tools you’ll be utilizing. When you take these things into mind, will probably do what’s best for you.

However TestOrigen is the best option for your both automation and manual testing needs as we provides both the testing techniques with high quality standards.

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