Learn JIRA Installation on Linux with TestOrigen

Learn JIRA Installation on Linux with TestOrigen. installing jira on linuxBefore you bounce right in with the installing JIRA on Linux procedure, you should know about JIRA-The famous bug tracking and project management tool which is utilized by various software development projects.

JIRA software testing tool gives various unmistakable favorable circumstances and helps colleagues, project managers, and product owners to deliberately track the procedures of the task.

Yet, keeping in mind the end goal to reap the complete advantage of JIRA, you need to execute JIRA installation and configuration as well as convey it on a server.

In this JIRA Tutorial, we would discuss the installing JIRA on Linux, Additionally to give you start with utilizing JIRA management tool, we would list down the number of steps to make another new project in JIRA open source. Read on and find how.

Requirement: Java software must be installed on your System.

  • Download trial version of JIRA from JIRA TOOL DOWNLOAD


  • Select System as ‘Linux 64 bit’ and tap on the download button.
  • 64 bit may require more memory instead of 32 bit as it contains more java platform objects.
  • Open Linux console.
  • And then, enter your root Id and afterward enter your password. This is a fundamental requirement for Customize JIRA installation Linux.
  • In the case that your validation is failed then attempt to do again.
  • Enter destination path where you downloaded JIRA.
  • Directory: home/<username>/software/JIRA
  • Run a command as chmod a+x Atlassian-Jira-X.Y.bin (where X.Y refers to your version of JIRA) ex. chmod a+x Atlassian-Jira-software 7.0.5-Jira-7.0.5-x64.bin
  • Presently you are getting the opportunity to message on the console as ‘ Unpacking JRE…’ and ‘Beginning Installer’.
  • Ensure that your Linux System containing the latest version of JRE. Else, it might make an issue to run JIRA.
  • At that point, you can see the INFO as ‘Created user preferences directory.
  • Presently it will make an inquiry as,

This will install JIRA tool free download 7.0.5 on your PC.

Alright [0, Enter], Cancel [c]

  • It shows that in the case that you need to download JIRA on your PC at that point click on the OK button by entering 0 or else C.
  • Subsequently, Enter here 0 for proceeding with tool JIRA installation

Next, it will inquire

Pick the proper installation or update alternative.

Please pick one of the accompanyings:

Express Install [1], Custom Install [2, Enter], Upgrade a current JIRA installation [3]

  • It demonstrates that if you need to install ‘Express’ version of JIRA at that point Enter ‘1’, in the case that you need to download ‘Custom’ version of JIRA at that point Enter ‘2’ If you need to upgrade your JIRA form at that point Enter ‘3’.
  • Therefore, enter ‘2’ here as we need to install Customize JIRA.

Next, it will ask about where you need to install JIRA Linux? At that point enter the directory where you need to install JIRA Linux. Else, it will take default address.

  • At that point, it will request PORT number as a part of the setup.
  • JIRA requires two TCP ports that are not being utilized by some other applications on this machine. The HTTP port is the place you will get to JIRA through your program. The control port is utilized to fire up and shutdown JIRA.

Utilize Default ports (Control 8005, HTTP: 8080) – Recommended [1, Enter],

Set the custom value for Control Port and HTTP [2]

  • It demonstrates that, if you need default port at that point enter ‘1’ on the console and you need to set custom value at that point Enter ‘2’.
  • In the case that you have entered ‘2’ at that point, you have to enter server’s Port number and control port from where you need to get to JIRA.
  • Therefore, Enter ‘2’ and afterward Enter Port number as [9000] and control port number as [9005].
  • You can see below screenshot for more data.

You can see below screenshot for more data.

A-while-later-you-will-get-a-message-as-JIRA-can-keep-running-in-the-background. installing JIRA on Linux

  • A while later, you will get a message as ‘JIRA can keep running in the background.’
  • You may run JIRA as a service, which implies it will begin consequently at whatever point the PC restarts.

Install JIRA as Service?

Truly [y, Enter], No [n]

  • It is inquiring about JIRA service; do you like to begin it when your system is begun? If you need to state Yes enter ‘y’ or else No ‘n’.
  • In this manner, you have to enter here ‘y’.
  • At that point, it shows every one of the insights about JIRA like where it will install and on which port it will work. You can check it in the screenshot.
  • Presently it will request the exit.

Install [I, Enter], Exit [e]

  • Here we can enter ‘e’ for close the console.

Here-we-can-enter-e-for-close-the-console. installing JIRA on Linux

  • From above screenshot, we can see that installing JIRA on Linux is going to RUN. A short time later, it will keep running on ‘localhost: 9000/’ as we have given port number 9000.

When JIRA is arranged the subsequent stage is set up the new project with the goal that you can welcome colleagues to begin making tickets and utilizing JIRA dashboard. JIRA various convenient features while making a task and assists you to edit and arrange them once it is set up. In JIRA most features are authorization driven which can be changed by the JIRA admin user, which is ideally the team lead.

We, at TestOrigen, also using this JIRA document management tool and are very much handy in using it. So do come to us and get your product tested.


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