Downloading & Installation of FirePath Addon

Downloading and Installation of FirePath Addon. firepath addonFirePath addon is a Firebug extension that includes a development tool to review, edit and produce XPath 1.0 articulations, CSS 3 selectors and JQuery selectors.

This module broadens the ability of the FireBug add-on. It brings the choices to change, investigate and produce XPath and the CSS Selector locators.

You can supply custom XPath values and test their rightness by spotlighting the impacts straightforwardly on the Webpage. It restores the XPath of the component you’ve chosen as the Firebug add-on does.

We’ve told above that selenium FirePath just expands the FireBug abilities. So you should install it after adding the FireBug add-on.

Step by step instructions to Download and Install Firepath Addon

Step 1- First Install the FireBug and then Go to Tools > Web Developer > Get More Tools.

Step 1- First Install the FireBug and then Go to Tools. firepath addon

Step 2- It will open a Webpage and will show all the modules accessible for Firefox program. As I said before that it is an extension to Firebug, you have to click on the Extensions link and the type Firepath on the Search field. As we need FirePath addon, simply click on Add to Firefox button for FirePath.

Step 2- It will open a Webpage and will show all the modules accessible for Firefox program. firepath addon

Step 3- Hit on the “Install Now” button to continue.

Step 3- Hit on the Install Now button to continue. firepath addon

Step 4- Once it is installed, it will request to restart the program. Click on the Restart Now button.

Step 4- Once it is installed it will request to restart the program. firepath addon

Step 5- Once it is opened, press ‘F-12′ to open Firebug tool. It will show the FirePath on the same console like this:

Step 5- Once it is opened press F-12 to open Firebug tool. firepath addon

Difference between FireBug and FirePath Addon

The main contrast from an Automation tester perspective is FireBug returns Absolute XPath and FirePath returns Relative XPath.

Pros of utilizing FirePath Addon:

  • Edit XPath articulations, CSS3 selectors and JQuery selectors.
  • Assess the articulation/selector on any HTML or XML records.
  • Show the consequence of assessments in a Firebug-like DOM tree.
  • Highlight the outcomes straightforwardly on the document shown by Firefox
  • Produce an XPath articulation or a CSS selector for an element by right-clicking on it and choosing “Inspect in FirePath” in the setting menu.
  • Characterize the evaluation context (parent) of an articulation/selector.
  • Pick the report wherein to assess the articulation/selector.

Although the FirePath Addon played an important role in order to locate selenium scripts, so, it is vital to install it first. You can follow the steps mentioned above and easily download as well as install the FirePath


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