Consideration for Testing the Blockchain Based Applications

Consideration for Testing the Blockchain Based Applications. blockchain based applicationsBlockchain Based Applications are being accepted by the absolute greatest businesses around the world. As a result of the nature of blockchain applications, it further supports how significant testing and testers are, and that the field will be more highly thought of and looked for after in the future. So as testers, it’s just ideal to think about how this new technology will influence your new opportunities, everyday work, and current skill set.

Testing blockchain based applications is a unique challenge with its very own technical and theoretical supporting. While blockchain is regularly talked about in the context of cryptocurrencies and financial services, this technology has a lot more extensive scope of potential applications. That is the reason blockchain based applications are ending up progressively common. The technology uses rule or smart contract protocol which is unchanging, in this way once sent it remains changeless. A smart contract is a digital protocol that enables elements to trade data with no middle person such that is both identifiable and verifiable.

Other than all essential testing: performance, functional, technical testing, integration or security; blockchain testing requires node testing, advanced level non-functional testing and the most importantly a smart contract testing. There are many other types of tests that can be performed at the different phases of developing software projects.

The following are a few kinds of tests that can be used to guarantee quality for blockchain apps and a high level of test coverage.

Unit Tests

Unit tests help developers guarantee their code is performing accurately at the most reduced levels and smallest parts of functionality. This should consistently be the principal line of defense to guarantee an application gets most of the bugs early during development.

Integration Tests

Integration tests help testers and developers guarantee the communication of their code between various segments, and perhaps among internal and external systems like databases.


User interface testing reveals how the application works from the end client’s point of view. Ensure that you do UI testing to guarantee their experience is positive or that they at least get the right feedback from the application when it doesn’t perform well.

Application Programming Interface

API testing gives you the certainty that you’ve approved the responses that your application gets from external APIs and ensures the configurations of your API requests are right and being handled effectively.

With blockchain based applications, there is likewise a comparative sort of technology to APIs that enables you to receive similar testing practices for APIs. These are called smart contracts. In the blockchain, transactions are recreated at high volume all through the system, which is frequently a test as this may slow down the network.

The accompanying 4 main considerations must be considered for successful blockchain based applications testing process:

Smart contract testing: Validate the strategies for smart contracts similarly as we do in API testing, including approving the techniques, confirming the boundary value, and checking the conditional statement. At that point, the approval of encryption for the smart contract should be sent to another framework by means of a distributed ledger. The unit-level testing for QAs is to test all the APIs for the smart contract separately and after that perform integration testing.

Node testing: Blockchain works in a peer-to-peer distributed network through network nodes utilizing a particular convention for validation. It checks with most of the nodes and supports the block for its validity to make a successful transaction. Thus, all heterogeneous nodes must be individually tested.

Performance: To beat the performance testing challenge we need all of the details like network latency dependent on block size, network size, expected transaction size, and to what extent a question takes to restore the output with the specific validation protocol. Performance testing is completed dependent on these parameters and to defeat the failover with a sudden peak or a drawback, we have to use cloud environment features like auto-scaling for chaotic situations.

Security: It is essential to recognize the integrity of the network. All transactions are cryptographically scrambled. But, once the identity layer is hacked momentary transaction can’t be stopped. Security testing should be considered for a safe transaction utilizing blockchain technology by defeating difficulties, for example,

  • Access and validation
  • A safe hash, consensus algorithm
  • Wallet signature technique
  • Private keys
  • OWAPS rule for web and mobile application
  • Validating information provided
  • Vulnerability assessment

While these elements influence the implementation of the blockchain app, the difficulties are not constrained to these as testing would rely upon how blockchain has been executed for your application. In any case, these considerations will give a guideline to test adequately with appropriate validation and verification approach for the applications dependent on blockchain technology.

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