Cloud Testing

Cloud TestingCloud Testing is a type of software testing which uses cloud environment for testing.

As we all know in the near future majority of IT companies will be on the cloud, according to the blog post of Oracle“SaaS market segment will be at minimum 80 percent of the entire application market.”

According to the post the predictions are –

1) At least 80 percent of production applications will be in the cloud (up from approximately 25 percent of SaaS applications today)
2) Two cloud suite providers will have 80% of the SaaS apps market
3) 100 percent of new development testing (Dev/Test) will be in the cloud
4) Virtually all enterprise data will be stored in the cloud
5) Enterprise clouds will be the most secure IT environments

As the environment will change and most of the application will be cloud-based, their testing pattern will also change and will gradually move towards Cloud-based testing.

The need of cloud testing will be visible to companies when they will see what are the benefits they will have, it may be incurring low cost on the environment, it’s ease of customization or their desired scalability of computing resources.

As cloud computing is being the big thing in the industry right now, using the cloud for testing will help organizations achieve their maximum efficiency.

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