Uninstallation and Installation testing in software testing are commonly cultivated by software engineers with the simultaneousness of a configuration manager. It is also called Implementation testing and is regularly portrayed by testing which comes about while using a compile version of codes inside the software testing or pre-generation condition. This strategy regularly happens beyond the development environment in order to limit code corruption from the future conveyance.
Installation testing verifies that product application is effectively installed and it is working as expected after installation. This is the testing stage preceding end clients will initially interface with the real application. Software installation testing is most vital and additionally the most interesting step with regards to the Software testing life cycle.
While the un-installation testing is performed to check if all the components of the application are expelled during the quality assurance testing procedure or NOT. All of the documents identified with the application alongside its folder structure must be evacuated upon successful un-installation. Post un-installation System should have the capability to return to the steady state.
A multi-configuration cover is a vital part of the software installation test. It might look as though the ideal installation may essentially rise as a plain running of an installation program or the product application. But, the application normally makes utilization of a set-up program that executes as a multi-configuration cover. This specific cover guarantees the installation of the application on a variety of working conditions and machines. Installation testing is a vital part of the testing method as each possible game plan would request thorough testing so clients can install and apply the program in a comprehensive manner.
Types of Installation Testing in Software Testing:
Manual install software is a situation when the software implementation is performed without the installer help or requires impressive client cooperation.
Automation software installation is an implementation that does not require any client activities with the exception of its beginning (password entering, license agreement acceptance, etc.).
Self-installation is a completely automatic implementation that does not require an initial beginning of the installation procedure.
Silent installation is the process in which the messages and windows are not shown during the implementation.
Remote Installation is a kind of establishment when the control is performed from the remote computer that is associated by means of serial cable or LAN.
Clear installation is an establishment that is performed without interfering factors (unstable OS mode, files of the previous installation of this program, etc.).
Features of Installation/Un-installation Testing:
The significance of installation testing- in SDLC can be understood from the above clarification. Notwithstanding, the criticalness of this procedure isn’t constrained to these perspectives just, and it very well may be additionally expounded into the following features:
- It is action based testing.
- This sort of testing is executed amid Operational Acceptance Testing.
- Performed by software quality assurance testing engineers, alongside the configuration manager.
- Finds and detects bugs and issues during software installation.
- Conveys ideal UI/UX.
- Its procedure may incorporate fractional or full update installation.
- Installation testing is executed amid the last phase of STLC.
Since installation testing in software testing is the principal connection a client has with an IT product, the importance of installation testing can never be exaggerated. A bug-free and smooth implementation creates extraordinary certainty and a feeling of genuine customer satisfaction in a customer which can concrete an everlasting bond with the product company.
At long last, I might want to repeat, that installers should dependably be tested on different versions of the OS so as to be sure that the application truly does not have issues with implementation, rebuilding, upgrade, and uninstallation.
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