The new cherry on the cake: Android 7.0 Nougat
The world of Android, always enthralls the mind of the users, by keeping them thrilled and amazed about new updates. Likewise, the launch of Android 7.0 Nougat, was by far the sweetest release till date. It took an innovative approach, to building and launching of the...
E-Learning doesn’t just ‘happen’, It requires proper ‘Planning’ & ‘Testing’
In today's dynamic and technological advance world, there are many institutions that have sponsored e-learning contrivance for their students. This concept is equally attracting many students, as they find it easy to access the courses online, according to their ease...
The new dawn of Banking: Mobile Banking & its challenges
Mobile banking usage in today’s world is exploding. Banks are constantly coming out with modern and newfangled mobile services. Compared to other industries, banks are distinctly among the early adopters of mobile applications. Today, most of the banks have already...
Small bugs are important too and how it can be removed easily?
Like a bug bite creates problem in human lives, thus making it hard to identify, as to how long will it take to heal, similarly in software testing it’s hard to know, as to how long it’s going to take, to fix a bug. A lot of bug fixes are only one line changes. What...
How Agile Testing is different from Traditional Testing?
The main question that arises in mind before starting the testing process is, whether to go for agile testing or stick to traditional method of testing? The term agile defines quick and easy movements, and the world of agile is a buzz nowadays, as it talks about agile...
Is your E-Payment platform tested and reliable?
In today's world, humans have embarked themselves on a quest to build new things. Everyday or other humans are coming up with new technology and improvement in the world. Electronic payments have shown great promises in global business environment, as customers and...
Why Mobile app testing is mandatory?
Now a day, Smartphone has become a necessary part of everybody, whether it is an individual or a corporate. Having a mobile app or mobile website becomes mandatory for any industry or business. As we all know that there is nothing handy other than mobiles and we made...
Cloud Testing
Cloud Testing is a type of software testing which uses cloud environment for testing. As we all know in the near future majority of IT companies will be on the cloud, according to the blog post of Oracle"SaaS market segment will be at minimum 80 percent of the entire...
Reasons Why Bugs Should Be Fixed
A software bug is an error, flaw, failure or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways. It’s an error that prevents the application from functioning as it should. There are many...