A huge number of applications are launched each day, be it a hybrid, native or web applications, and they all fall into various classes extending from highly secure banking applications to fun adding computer games.
At the rate at which applications are launched, it is essential to check them for usability, functionality, and consistency.
There is a test automation framework that would assist you with the execution of a native mobile web, and hybrid mobile applications also some of them are cross-platform.
Appium automation, however basically an HTTP server, can oversee WebDriver sessions, as it is extremely an open source project for a cross-platform mobile automation testing tool.
And, As Appium tool is developed and supported by Sauce Labs, it is effectively picked by the WebDriver community for mobile app testing.
The Appium testing tool can support any tests on any framework and in any language. Software testing is basic since you don’t need to adjust the codes for testing.
The best thing about Appium is that it supports a wide range of applications, so you can run the tests on either its Appium iOS or Appium Android on real devices
Yet, still it has seen a lot of mistakes, testers are making when it comes to Appium automation.
Since Sauce Labs is a standout amongst the most famous services provider for Appium test automation, it approaches a wide range of client information and insights.
As you can envision, they saw clear patterns of regular mistakes that testers more than once make.
Following are the top 5 Appium mistakes that testers make while executing mobile app automation testing:
Overusing XPath
Overusing XPath locators is a common mistake with Selenium, despite the fact that it’s more offensive blunder in the Appium world.
Appium XPath is a great method to discover components; however, it accompanies a truly enormous execution cost.
This is because of XML-and XPath-type questions, which are not locally given by Google and Apple–at least in the way that we’d like them to be.
This forces Appium automation to make a lot of costly calls under the hood to support discovering components dependably when utilizing XPath.
So you can utilize XPath, however, there are far and away superior locator procedures you can use– like accessibility IDs
Not Making Use of Accessibility IDs
Utilizing accessibility ID locators is favored as it’s faster. Remember, but, those semantically accessible IDs are not quite the same as IDs in Web pages.
Be mindful so as not to conflate the two.
Accessibility IDs have a reason apart from testing, so you should be mindful so as not to confound or destroy the accessibility of your application for testing.
Not Making Your App Testable
Just when an application is built in view of mobile automation testing appropriate from the earliest starting point will a team be actually successful with test automation.
Other than anticipating testability in advance, the development team should likewise get ready for various testing situations and consider how to maintain a strategic distance from overlap before jumping into Appium coding.
The principle answer for most Appium mobile automation quality issues is to have a discussion with your development team.
Requesting that they put the correct unique IDs, labels and accessibility IDs, for your application’s components will settle a large number of your Appium mobile automation testing issues.
Querying for the Visibility of Every Component
Querying for the visibility of each component that you recover will hugely affect the runtime of your Appium automation scripts.
When you do this, you are substantial including the additional overhead of calls and time waiting for Appium test to accomplish something each time you recover a component.
You need to be sure to just utilize lazily ask for component qualities, which are critical with regards to your test code.
Blaming Appium for Being “Slow”
We trust that there presumably are most likely occurrences in which Appium automation is slower and less proficient than it should be.
There are without a doubt places in Appium’s code where it’s not being as effective as could be expected under the circumstances. For test steadiness, Appium’s contributors have utilized slower systems in specific occasions. On a very basic level, but, Appium framework isn’t slower than the technologies it depends on.
In-fact, Appium secretly depends on XCUIT Test and UIAutomator2.
In this way, if you’re utilizing Appium for mobile app testing in an inefficient way– depending on XPath, for instance– then Yes. It does will be slower.
It’s really justifiable because at that point Appium testing needs to work truly hard to make sense of how to do what it implied on the fundamental automation engine and sometimes that can be extremely wasteful.
Since all of the complexities stay in the engine of the Appium server, regardless of the stage being utilized, the software engineer will have the capacity to automate the testing procedure flawlessly.
As it opens the way for cross-platform mobile testing, software engineers can lead the tests on different platforms. And, developers don’t need to add additional agents to make it automation friendly. They can test the application similarly they are planning to submit it to the application stores.
TestOrigen’s advanced mobile testing services use all the latest automation testing tools to bring you better quality and snappier time-to-market. So, reach out to us, and we will be happy to assist you with the right mobile application testing technique.
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