See a Report on Twitter Bug that Exposed Some Private Tweets for Years
Social Media Network Twitter revealed a bug holding on from 2014 on its stage that influenced secured tweets and accounts on Android. The organization said the bug – active between November 2014 and January 2019 – turned off the "Turn your tweets private" option when...
Worthiness of UX Testing in Life of Agile
The significance of good UX testing in a client-driven work process can't be overstated, and designing great UX starts with understanding what it would look like. For a long time, enormously successful companies like Twitter, Google, Amazon, and eBay have perceived...
Build Verification Testing Basics & Importance
Build verification testing is a set of pre-characterized test cases keep running on every build to ensure that the build is testable for further testing. BVT testing is done before build pass to the testing team for further testing. This test contains...
Consider These Points While Testing Game Like PUBG
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds or famously known as PUBG game has turned into a sensation in the internet gaming world and since this multiplayer battle royale features huge, open zones, high players counts well as fights which are battled on an epic scale, you'll...
WAPT Ensures Your Intranet or Site Can Handle the Load!
WAPT is stress, load and performance testing tool for web-based applications and websites. As opposed to "800-pound gorilla" load testing tools, WAPT tool is intended to limit the learning curve and give the client a capability to make a heavy load from a single...
Why One Team is the Best Option Comparing Many in QA Sprints?
We all live in an extremely agile scrum world today and everything we do is an agile sprint – in a steady progression. This happens all over the place, however, the procedure isn't getting simpler basically as its common. Particularly in the world of Quality...
The Testing Challenges & Benefits of EDI Apps
The automaticity of EDI technology lies in its standard nature. The formation of EDI standards serves 50 years of worldwide work in standardization that is proceeding right up 'til the present time. The primary driving force of EDI application in business is the...
Robot Framework: The New Revolution in Software Testing
Robot Automation Framework is a wonder in the testing business. The system is open source and above all, it understands test and HTML! It has easy-to-use, unimaginable test data language structure and it utilizes the Keyword driven testing approach. The robot...
Briefing Software Installation/Un-installation Testing Process
Uninstallation and Installation testing in software testing are commonly cultivated by software engineers with the simultaneousness of a configuration manager. It is also called Implementation testing and is regularly portrayed by testing which comes about while using...