Small bugs are important too and how it can be removed easily?

Small bugs are important too and how it can be removed easily_Like a bug bite creates problem in human lives, thus making it hard to identify, as to how long will it take to heal, similarly in software testing it’s hard to know, as to how long it’s going to take, to fix a bug. A lot of bug fixes are only one line changes. What consumes more time is, figuring out the right path to change, like knowing where to use the hammer, or as to when and where the fish will be munching. Some bugs are relatively easy to find and easy to fix ,but some bugs are not that easy to find, but easy to fix.

But the question that arises is, how to find a bug and fix it?

Let’s look at what’s involved in finding and fixing a bug:

1) By clearing the decks in order to find out the right code, to cleanup your work space.

2) By setting up the environment where the test is going to be performed. This can be trivial, or impossible, if the customer is running on a configuration that you don’t have access to.

3) By making sure that you understand what the code is supposed to do, and that your existing test suite passes.

4) Now it’s time to go fishing. Reproduce and diagnose the bug.

5) Write new developer tests or fix existing tests to catch the bug.

6) Make the fix. This may include some refactoring work to understand the code better. And to make sure that you didn’t introduce any new bugs, Regression Testing is done

7) Make the code safer and cleaner, with some more step-by-step refactoring. And make sure that the code doesn’t become more brittle and hard to understand with your fix.

TestOrigen, is determined to work hard towards fixing the bugs effectively and making the software bug free.

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