You should need to learn this Appium tutorial for beginners if you want to perform mobile software apps automation testing. Presently you will learn how to download and install the Appium testing tool in windows to run local/web ios/android software automation tests utilizing selenium web driver.
Yet first, understand what Appium framework is?
The Appium testing tool is an open source mobile app UI testing framework
Appium permits local, hybrid and web application testing and backings automation test on real devices and on emulator or simulator both.
It offers cross-stage application testing i.e. single API works for both Android and iOS stage test scripts.
It has NO reliance on Mobile device OS. Since APPIUM has system or wrapper that make an interpretation of Selenium Webdriver commands into UIAutomation (iOS) or UIAutomator (Android) commands relying upon the gadget type, not any OS type.
Appium supports all languages that have Selenium customer libraries like Ruby, Objective-C, Java, Python, and JavaScript with node.js, PHP, C# etc.
If you have been working at Appium or have been currently following Appium refreshes, at that point you may know that a more up to date Appium version was discharged in October 2016. This most recent discharge was a vital point of reference since it included help for new iOS and Android systems and it also presented help for Windows work area applications and You.i TV.
In this Appium tutorial for beginners, we will give definite well ordered guide for Appium installation utilizing which you will be able to download and install Appium on windows.
Follow the below-given steps to learn installation of Appium download:
Download Appium
Before Appium downloads and installation in windows, Please ensure given requirements are implemented.
- JDK Installed.
- Android SDK Installed.
- Set ANDROID_HOME and Path Environment Variables.
- Eclipse ADT Plugin Installed.
- Net Framework, Node JS and PDANet+ for Android Installed.
For downloading Appium in windows,
- Go to http://appium.io/.
- Click on Download Appium button.
- It will download compress document.
- At the point when download finishes, Extract compress file. You will get AppiumForWindows folder as shown below.
Install Appium
- Open AppiumForWindows folder. “Appium-installer.exe” document will be there.
- Double click on “Appium-installer.exe” document to install Appium. It will begin installing Appium.
- It will request that you select setup language.
- Select English and click on OK.
- It will launch Appium Setup Wizard. Click on Next button.
- Next screen will request that you select Appium destination location. Discard it as it is and click on Next.
- Next screen will solicit you to set name from Appium. Discard it as it is and click on Next.
- Click Next on Select Additional Tasks screen.
- On Ready to install screen, Click on Install button. It will begin the installation.
- Toward the finish of installation, it will indicate completing the Appium Setup Wizard. Select Launch Appium checkbox and click on Finish button.
- It will dispatch Appium as demonstrated below.
Appium is installed and prepared to utilize.
Design Appium
Appium will dispatch with default setup parameters. To decrease mistakes amid software automation test execution, you have to set/edit few Appium tests parameters according to your need in the event that they are incorrect or not set properly. See below.
Android Settings:
- Click on Android Settings button as appeared in below picture.
- Select Platform Name = Android
- Select Automation Name = Appium
- Select Platform Version = your android gadget’s OS version.
General Settings
- Click on General Setting’s button as shown in below screenshot.
- Note down Server Address and Post number. We need it during Appium software automation test script making. Server Address is: and Port number is: 4723.
- Un-check Pre-Launch Application check box in the case, it is checked.
Discard all other settings as it is.
This Appium tutorial for beginners’ help you understand initial steps that are followed for further Appium testing, yet don’t worry we are always here to clear your doubt on Appium test relate queries and also provide a number of software testing services to our worldwide clients.
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